The Start of Your Visit
There’s no dress code – come as you are! After parking and entering the main lobby, you’ll be greeted by someone from our greeting team who can help point you in the right direction.
Have little ones? We offer Children’s Church classes during the service for infant through grade five! To participate, stop by the Children’s Check-in station, located to your left upon entering the lobby. There, someone with our Children’s Ministry team will help check you in and provide a retrieval sticker for each child. After checking in, children will remain with you for the beginning of the service until dismissed. We take your child’s safety and care seriously, so all of our Children’s Church teachers have their PA Child Abuse and Police Background Check Clearances. Additionally, we ensure that only the parents/guardians dropping off a child will be the ones picking them up.
In our worship center, sit anywhere you feel comfortable! There are no assigned seats or sections. Many Sundays you’ll find someone on our Meal Ministry team offering free coffee, tea, and donuts in the front left of the worship center. Stop by!
During Your Visit
Each service begins with a time of worshipping God through music. We typically sing 3-4 songs at the beginning of the service.
Then there will be a few announcements about various events, missions work, or other updates, followed by kids being dismissed for Children’s Church! If you checked your kids in upon arriving, they can either follow the other children and teachers to the appropriate room, or you can feel free to walk with them to the correct room.
When children are dismissed to Children's Church, we enter a time to read Scripture and listen to a message from one of our pastors or elders. The preaching is expositional, meaning the culture and context of what is read from the Bible will be explained and taught, intertwined with how its truth and principles apply to our lives today.
After closing in prayer, the worship team typically leads one last song before everyone disperses for the week!
After the Service
Gatherings typically last about 1 hour and 25 minutes. Once the service ends, we invite you to stick around and meet a few new faces! We also have a welcome bag we’d love to gift you for spending the morning with us.
If you have children in Children’s Church, you’ll exit through the same doors you entered and proceed down the hallway on the left to pick up your children from their classroom(s). Each classroom is labeled (Infant, Toddler, Pre-K-K, 1-3, 4-5) and the teachers will be available to help you locate your children as well.