“But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16


Jesus welcomed the children...we should do the same.

Babette Manning
Children's Ministry Director

Children’s Church is a fun, engaging, kid-centered church service for
newborns through 5th grade every Sunday during our 10 AM Worship Service!

To participate, stop by the Children’s Check-in station, located to your left upon entering the church lobby. There, someone
with our Children’s Ministry team will help check you in and provide a retrieval sticker for each child. After checking in,
children will remain with you for the beginning of the service until dismissed.

We take your child’s safety and care seriously, so all of our Children’s Church teachers have their PA Child Abuse and Police
Background Check Clearances. Additionally, we ensure that only the parents/guardians dropping off a child will be the ones picking them up.

Indoor Park ’24-’25 begins October 22nd and runs every Tuesday & Thursday through March 27th from 9-11AM.

Cost? Season donation is $25 for 7 months of fun and some fun party days.

What about snow days and holidays? We take off for holidays and follow the State College Area School District calendar.
If there is no school or a delay, there will be NO Indoor Park, including snow days. Pick up a “Save the Date” card at Indoor
Park for holiday and party dates.


             VBS is a week-long summer program, generally held the first week of August for kids Preschool through Grade 5. Throughout the week, kids
             participate in games, crafts, music, snack, and Bible lessons.

             Our 2025 Theme: Magnified:

             Discovering the BIGNESS of God in the smallest of things.

             “Proclaim the Lord's greatness with me; let us exalt his name together.” Psalm 34:3

             When? Monday, July 28th – Friday, August 1st, 9AM - Noon.

             (Registration is closed now until Spring 2025)

            Registration typically opens a couple months before VBS each year. Check back this spring for VBS 2025 details, and registration!